Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Feedster and Topix

I'm not sure why I need more excuses to spend more time on the internet! Both Feedster and topix (the only 2 I have checked out so far) have links to lots of time-gulping pages. Fascinating! However, I did find a bit of information which I then linked to on a different site and everyone there praised me for being so on top of things!

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

RSS feeds

I've been using RSS feeds for awhile now. I particularly like how they are done in Opera, where they download them separately and remind me I have them. Firefox's way - rather like Bookmarks, is not as intuitive - or maybe I haven't spent as much time there.
And I forget to go to Bloglines and now, reminded, I have about 200 entries in each feed!

I used to think that you should be publishing new content regularly in order to warrant offering RSS but now I think it is almost more useful for those who don't. If they only update once a month, you don't think to go back and check when the time comes.
The feed does that for me.

And may I just add a whoohoo that I have managed to get to Week 5 in just over a week?

Blogging about technology

Recently I downloaded Audacity at home. That is the software that podcasters often use and it looked as though it might be handy for work.
We have stories online but since they are taken from stories on the phone, they all have a "Please hang up the phone" at the end of the story. With Audacity, I think I can get rid of that phrase, then convert the story from WAV to mp3. What I should also be able to do, but I haven't figured out how yet, is how to make it a smaller mp3 file. It needn't be as good quality as a music file is. I need more time to be able to play around with it.
Isn't that the stories of our lives!