Monday, November 05, 2007

Week 8 YouTubing continued

You Tube is being used by a lot of libraries already. It can heighten the library's profile and send out information in a new way. We don't yet think in a audio/video way very much but I could see some of our more photogenic librarians doing online booktalks.
Or getting people like Nicholas Campbell to not only pose for a poster but do a booktalk.
We can do storytimes online.
Have YAGs create little videos of what the library can offer teens.
Yes, I think there is a lot the library can do with YouTube.

Week 8 YouTubeing

I inadvertently jumped ahead a few weeks ago- I posted a video about The Long Tail. Definately worth seeing. This time I went looking for interesting videos and found one from a PEN Canada/TPL event. Bruce Cockburn is in it, so I knew it would be good.

I also knew that London Public Library had used YouTube for some of the Summer Reading Club this past summer. This is their Week One video.

And finally, although it has nothing to do with libraries, I include a speech by Joss Whedon about why he writes TV shows and movies with strong females characters. It is funny and powerful.